Sunday, November 7, 2010

If Your Reading This, It's For You

You make me so sad.

Why can't you see how beautiful you are?
The twinkle in your eyes
The kinks in your hair
The devil in your smile
The magic in your heart
Why would you want to destroy something so beautiful?

You make me so sad

Why can't you tell how brilliant you are?
The power in your pen
The wit in your words
The truth in your lies
The life in your skeleton
Why are you hurting something so brilliant?

You make me so sad.

Why are you doing this to yourself?
The cuts on your legs
The drink in your glass
The thoughts in your head
The words in your mouth
Why won't you stop?

You make me so sad.

P.S. If anything were to happen to you, it would be my fault, because this whole time I could have stopped it. Please stop. I love you too much to watch you do this.

Sent from my iPhone

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