Thursday, November 11, 2010

Everyone Else

Everyone around me is happy
And they're leaving me here in the dust.
I used to be the happy one
That had someone to love.
And now I don't.
I'm fading in the background
Watching it all work out
For them.
Nothing's working out for me.
The boy I loved
Left me.
The I like
Doesn't feel the same way.
What I want
Isn't coming.
Instead I watch
As they all steal my dreams
And happy endings
And prince charmings.
Instead I watch, alone and cold.
I watch everyone around me be happy.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

If Your Reading This, It's For You

You make me so sad.

Why can't you see how beautiful you are?
The twinkle in your eyes
The kinks in your hair
The devil in your smile
The magic in your heart
Why would you want to destroy something so beautiful?

You make me so sad

Why can't you tell how brilliant you are?
The power in your pen
The wit in your words
The truth in your lies
The life in your skeleton
Why are you hurting something so brilliant?

You make me so sad.

Why are you doing this to yourself?
The cuts on your legs
The drink in your glass
The thoughts in your head
The words in your mouth
Why won't you stop?

You make me so sad.

P.S. If anything were to happen to you, it would be my fault, because this whole time I could have stopped it. Please stop. I love you too much to watch you do this.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Am I Really That Lonely

Wednesday, November 3

Is it really that important to you?

Is it?
When he asked me that
I felt almost guilty.
Could I really be that lonely?
Am I really that unhappy with myself.
I must be.
Because when the time came
And I was able to wish
For anything in the world
I wished for someone to be here.
I wished for someone to love,
Someone to hold me.

I must be that lonely.
It must really be that important to me.

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Friday, October 22, 2010


For how long was it all a lie?
How many times did he
Say those three words
And not mean it?
How many times did he
Think about breaking my heart?
He said that all he wanted
Was to hold me forever.
He said that he loved me
More than anything.
He told me he thought about me
All day and all night.
So now as I lay here,
Tasting the salty tears
Drip down my face,
I can't help my wonder,
For how long was it all a lie?

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I Want To Cry

I just want to cry.
I don't know why.
I just do.

Maybe it's because I'm overwhelmed.
There's too much out there
Not enough in here
And I just can't handle it.

Or maybe it's this song.
It elicits a feeling from me-
The mixture of his voice,
And the echoing guitar-
A feeling of pure amazement.

Perhaps it's that I'm confused.
I like him. I think I do.
But he is a mystery
And I just want to give up
On this whole idea.

Or maybe, just maybe...
Maybe in the back of my mind-
As much as I deny it
And as much as I honestly hate him-
Maybe I still miss him.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dear God

Dear God,

You didn't create me
My parents did.
You didn't create earth
A bang did.
You didn't create light
Science did.
You didn't create whales
Evolution did.
You didn't create happiness
Our minds did.
You didn't create sin
Our instincts did.
You didn't create poverty
Laziness did.
You didn't create death
The passing of time did.
You didn't create faith
Our own insecurities did.
And God, you didn't create us.
We create you.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, October 15, 2010

One Night

Friday, October 15
one night
thats all it took
for her life to change.
she wasnt so innocent anymore.
a couple hours
is how long it took
for everyone around her
to see her differently.
one party
is all it took
for her friends to think
she wasnt the same person.
one mistake
and all of a sudden
anyone who knew what she did
lost all respect.
one drink
just one drink
and she went from a prude
to an easy slut.
just one night...

I Want You

Friday, October 15

It started as disparity
I was lonely
I was broken
I was withdrawing
I was falling down, down, down.
But now I don't know
I want a little more
I want to go somewhere
I want to be with him
I want to feel him up, up, up.
It began with lust
I needed to be kissed
I needed him to feel me
I needed skin on skin
I needed it to be fast, fast, fast.
But now it's a little more
I'm dying to know him
I'm dying to please him
I'm dying to tell him
I'm dying to take it slow, slow, slow.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Need Someone

Sunday, October 10

I've been alone for some time now

No one to kiss
No one to touch
No one to cry about
No one to touch me
No ones hair to grab
No one to open up to
No one to brag about
No one to write about
No ones name to write
No one to dream about
No ones breath to taste
No ones arms to fall into
No ones clothes to wear
No ones name to scream
No one to complain about
No ones tongue to recognize
No one to imagine futures with
No one to break boundaries with
No one to spend a lonely night with

And I can't stand it much longer.

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I'm Back

Sunday, October 10
I'm not actually inspired
Well, I am.
But I'm inspired
By not being inspired
I've been gone for so long
That all the emotion
Has just been
The animal inside of me
In a cage
With nothing to pounce on
And all the anger
Has been gathering
A hurricane inside me.
I've never before realized
How much this,
Has helped me.
Without it... I'm lost.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I Am Strong

Friday, September 10

i can stand on my own two feet
without your walls holding me up.

i can make my own choices
without your wants suffocating me.

i can breath my own air
without you taking my breath away.

i can talk to other people
without wondering what you'd think.

i can live my own life
without constantly wondering where you are.

i can constantly be happy
now that i know you are gone.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Did It

Saturday, August 29
this is supposed to be freedom
this is supposed to be salvation
i'm supposed to be relieved
then why do i feel so trapped?
now I'm supposed to have choices
i'm supposed to have possibilities
i'm supposed to find someone better
then why am i now so alone?
i'm supposed to be happy
this is supposed to be my decision
supposed to be what i wanted
then why do i want to take it back?
this is supposed to be hard
and i'm supposed to cry
and its supposed to hurt inside
and its all supposed to get better.

Breaking Up

Saturday, August 7

I'm scared your love is fading
But mine just keeps on staying
And I'll soon have to learn
Just how to let you go.

I'll feel like I'm the one
Who'll leave this scarred and torn
And you'll just walk away
So able to let go.

I'll sit there in the dark
Wondering where you are
And I'll guess the reasons why
You wanted to let go.

And although I won't forget
The memories that we had
I'll have to pack my things
And finally let you go.

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I'm In a Plane

Thursday, August 5

Thirty five thousand
That's how many feet between
Me and solid ground.

Things I've never seen
Places I've never been
I can see it all.

All it is, is lights
But I still know that somethings
Hide in the darkness.

Here, up in the clouds
Here, I can see everything
The entire world.

But from way up here
The whole world is just a blur
I can't see a thing.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Still Have Hope

Sunday, August 1
lead weights falling from the sky
scream to just release my burden
hear how loud the voices cry
how long does it take to die?
how long will i shut my eyes?
how long till i claim what's mine?
how long should i trust this lie?
feel it tumbling in my head
don't know how to keep on worrying
though these doubts are never dead
what is felt is never said.
what is thought is cannot be read.
what is roaring my head?
what is it that you have fled?
time elapses like a flight
yet this fire would seize burning
here we hope, we wish, we might
we will never lose this fight
we will not put out the light
we will always be alright
we will fall in love tonight.

I'm Scared

Wednesday, July 29
i'm scared
nightmares don't phase me
the boogyman can't make me flinch
and ghosts to me are foggy angels
but i'm scared.
im scared
about tomorrow
and the future
and what disappointments it will bring
i'm still hopeful
but i'm scared.
i'm scared
this won't last
as much as i want it to
as much as i know i'll try
i can't help
but be scared.

This Too Shall Pass

Saturday, June 17
whenever pieces of the sky
fall upon my head and knock me down
to the point where
im riddled with bruises and scars
and my knees and hands are bloody
and i can feel the dams about to break
and release my broken tears,
i've always head one thought
and a collection of memories
close enough
to make it all go away...
so now that your sky is falling
and your sprawled on the floor
trying to stop
your scraped knees from bleeding
and your bruised hands from aching,
and even though salt water
leaks down your cheeks,
i hope you can hold me
and all the times we spent together
close enough
to make it all go away.

I Want To Live

Friday, July 2
i'll draw a face a day
just so i can live
all these different lives
that aren't mine.
i'll draw happiness and anger
jealousy, envy
starstruck lovers in grasp
i'll draw a face a day.
with each face comes a life
so fresh and clean and new
in its own graphite home
nothingl ike this world.
i'll draw a face a day
and then when it's erased
i look up at the world
and see reality.

Concentrate on Ripples

Tuesday, June 29
concentrate on ripples
never let them fade
keep them growing yonder
where stillness had once laid.
see them getting stronger
a growing entity
with each new passing droplet
their will become more free.
until that outer rim
it never seems to end
a forced backed by the gods
all cracks and lines it mends.
now concentrate on ripples
that never seem to fade
until they just stop growing
and once more stillness lays.

When You Love Me

Sunday, June 20
when i picture you with me
i hear the raging symphony.
and when i see your starry eyes
i feel so good i wanna cry.
when if feel you lips on mine
all of space just falls in time
and when your whispers reach my ears
you wash away all of my tears.
when you hold me close and tight
i dream of you all through the night.
and when you listen to my words
you take away all of the hurt.
when your skin rubs up on mine
the sun never seizes to shine.
and even when your not with me
our love will last eternally.

How Do I Describe This?

Saturday, June 19
being with you
is like listening to your favorite song
on full blast in a dark room.
its mindblowing.
my mind blanks
and you soul wanders up the hill
running faster
and the journey continues.
its something new.
every new moment
kindles old experiences into new feelings
that are warm
and comfortable.
its magic.
you hold tomorrow's magic
something i could never imagine along
without you
your touch, your heart.
its love.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pressed So Close

Wednesday, June 16
cool skin on fire
pressed so close.
boiling, sizzling, popping like fireworks
a cold whisper
a warm touch
pressed so close.
presents and confidence
locked away
only for the crystal ball
of a certain someone
to whom i'm
pressed so close.
hearts burn by raw ice
hearts pressed so close
hidden behind barred windows
skin on glass on skin
pressed so close.
pressed so close...

To The One That I Love

Friday, June 11
you make my heart ache
but in a good way.
a way so good that i just want to
walk up to a stranger
and give him a new life
a life in which he can feel
just like i do.
because how i feel
feels like a warm sensation in my stomach
and like my feet are numb
and someone is tickling them
and even though i can't feel it
i know someone is there
so i can't help but laugh.
you make me feel like the world's on fire
but its far enough away
so that it just keeps me warm.
you make me feel alive... reborn
like i'm just learning how to walk
and talk and feel
all over again and you are teaching me
you make me feel so young
but so old at the same time
and you make me realize that i want
to do nothing
but be with you all the time
so i can kiss you
and hug you and touch you
because when i do
the universe around me falls away
leaving only you.
that's how it feels.
and even when you are not here
i can't help but think
that the future is going to be so beautiful
because you will be there
with me.
i love you so much.

Friday, June 11, 2010

This Time

Friday, June 11
this has all happened before
a perfect night
a perfect moment
a perfect goodbye.
only this time it'll be different
because this goodbye
won't mean three months of pain.
this all happened before
only this time we're in love
and that can't waver.

Tell Me What's Wrong

Wednesday, June 2
i can't stand when
i feel something's wrong
misplaced, misshapen, misplaced
but i can't do a thing.
i feel so helpless
so incapable of helping
fixing, mending, loving
and you won't even let me try.
i always imagine the worst
the most nightmarish possibilities
effects, outburst, futures
is it all my fault?

Send This Smile

Friday, May 21
it's coming to a close
final thoughts are conjured
and she sits on ashes
what's next?
the city falling beside her
in pieces of familiar places
and people
and a lover.
but as chaos and fire falls
crushing life as she knows it
and it seems so
no hope,
she can't help but think and know
that she still holds a smile
for the future
this chaos won't break a thing.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Sunday, May 9
when i was a baby
you taught me not to shove
you taught me right from wrong
you taught me how to love
and as i started growing
you taught me how to dress
you taught me how to cook
and clean up my own mess
you taught me how to act
when things didn't go my way
and you taught me how to work -
to work hard every day
you taught me not to follow
to be a leader just like you
and you taught me not to quit
no matter what i had to do
but most of all you taught me -
even though it was sort of hard -
to be an excellent daughter
and write great mother's day cards!
~dedicated to my amazing mom <3

Goodbye Speech

Friday, May 7
goodbyes are contagious
one second you're hearing a speech
given from a friend to a friend
that ends with "i love you and will miss you"
and the next
you're crying about your love
who's leaving too,
the whole time whimpering
"i love you and will miss you"
and you know that somewhere
someone else is saying goodbye, too.

I Got You

Thursday, May 6
We're the type
that i would be jealous of
that i would rip my hair out to figure out
because we're so imperfectely perfect
and hou could anyone want more
than what i got?
i got you...

I Choose Option A

Thrusday, April 29
You aske a question
a question that already has an answer
a secret answer at that.
so when i answer this question
my answer is vague and thin
because i don't want to ruin the surprise.

This Feeling

Wednesday, April 28
It feels like a firework show
like the engery is coursing through
every fiber
of your being
triggering every nerve
pleasure point
pressure point
soft spot
until it's all just bliss.
it feels like christmas morning
you wake up earlier than usual
with waves of adrenaline rising off you
just to experience the moment
because you're scared for it to leave.
it feels like apple pie
warm going down
and it just sits inside of you
a lumpy mess
of perfection
you know you couldn't live without.

Monday, April 26, 2010

You Make Me Feel Beautiful

Monday, April 26
while i'm sitting here
thinking about all the things that are wrong,
the pieces that i just can't imagine fitting,
you're sitting over there
seeing all that is so right
the whole picture put back together
one piece at a time.
and i keep on sitting here,
trying to see it,
trying to find some sense in it all,
trying to figure out
why you would think i'm so beautiful.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

...Almost Perfect

Sunday, April 25

all i want is more
and you give me more than you can afford.

all i need is you
and you give me everything that is you.

all i dream about is being in your perfect arms
and you bring me into your heart.

and when i'm searching for perfection in the darkness
you bring a lighthouse to guide me.

too bad it cant be like this forever...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Public Displays of Affection

Tuesday, April 20
Alone, he's all mine
he hugs and holds me and makes me his
he touchs his smooth nose to mine
stares into my eyes
"i love you" he says
i know he means it
but in public
in the sight of others
he shuts down
no kisses, no hugs
no nose touching nose and whispering words of solitude
just a stare or brush meant to say it all
but i dont mind
because i know what happens behind closed doors
and thats all that matters.

Don't Talk to Me About the Future...

Saturday, April 17
the sound of freedom is about as loud
as the screams of man at war in a far off land
so far, so distant
controlled by bringers of hostile captivity
so loud, so penetrating
but he knows it's just a murmur inside.
even when he's escaped
the plans will follow him
through the phone lines
and pieces of customized parchment
and even when he feels so free
so alive
it will always be laid out
in front of him
in a straight line, one by one, by one
so until it's up to him
don't ask about the future...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Proper Goodbye

Friday, April 17, 2010
i was pulled away.
we couldn't have our last encounter as usual
- the one that commenced our day and made us
long for more.
i was pulled away by someone else.
someone i loved, but not like i loved you.
and when i stared at your eyes slowly turning smaller and smaller
till they were nothing but stars
in a lost universe,
i could see you were disappointed.
two days is a lifetime in a lifetime of so few days.
comment, critique, compliment - whichever floats YOUR boat...